Salerno, letter from prison Fuorni
• the newspaper "Song of the South" for Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Overcrowding. violence, lack of activities to be educational and serious shortcomings of the main problems of the prison Salerno
Fuorni, "Account" for the inmates of hell
An inmate accused 'beaten by guards and deprived of adequate health care "
Sir, my name is Enrico Buonocore
and are held at the home district of Fuorni.
Mine is a pain rather short, I was accused of dealing cocaine addict but I state that twenty-five years and can assure you that that stuff had me snorting. But now we are full of guys who end up in jail for a joint and several powerful lords of government policy are free, despite having committed crimes far more severe in some cases ruining thousands of people and, years later, you will find lists election.
But let's go: I find your daily one of the few who gave the floor to us poor, marginalized from the world .. The
list some things that happen in prison Fuorni.
I speak of my only fair against other detainees. For months we expect a medical affection from coccygeal fistula with pus and on without being disinfected. I wash with running water and nothing else. I have a serious problem to the teeth, jaw outside, after several punches sferratimi in custody, his left wrist does not move your hands even more and once played guitar, this one due to a kick of a watch.
Saturday after a brawl for trivial reasons (I wanted to light a cigarette) I was literally beaten up. When I asked to go to the infirmary or the director put me in solitary confinement for not suffering complaints on my part, I am currently on a hunger strike, but with poor results, I'm not Mr Pannella. I was forced to sign false statements dealing with but I do not have it signed, I decided to take kicks and punches. The situation is catastrophic in the kitchen: it is overrun with rats as big as dogs. The change of sheets every 4-5 months.
Family members are forced to come to talks for 4-5 hours in the cold outside and that it is hot. I do not know if it works for me because it is the first time, but you who can make it public, perhaps a good soul will take care of the case.
Pending Vs, I salute you and thank you in advance.
Enrico Buonocore
continue serious complaints about conditions in which the inmates of the home district of Fuorni. To give the alarm this time, Enrico Buonocore, thirty-nine prisoners in Fuorni with charges of selling cocaine. The letter was received to our paper sheds light on a disturbing situation that prisoners are forced to endure long and that make their lives even more difficult and humiliating. At the center of the controversy is the issue of beatings and poor health care, which led Mr. Buonocore to be brave and denounce everything. Emerge from the letter the words of a man tired of being subjected to abuses and shortcomings: For months now, waiting for a medical examination that Bonocore because affected by coccygeal fistulas that can not even disinfect. The hygienic conditions are very bad: mice in the kitchen, bed linen changed every four months and the absence of an infirmary do nothing but worsen the already difficult conditions for the health of many detainees. Buonocore in addition suffer from problems with teeth and hands (he can not move), derived from constant beatings by guards. Kicks and punches are not easily avoided, even when the reasons for the dispute is futile (Bunocore says he was beaten Saturday just for asking for a cigarette). The letter chilling and does nothing but add fuel to the fire, as it is not the first time that our newspaper and the media welcomed news of this kind.
The cells are overcrowded and sanitation nonexistent. A terrible combination: the inmates did not seem right health and disease is easy to switch from one to another inmate gave him closely all'nterno cells.
In this regard, Donato Rosa nel Pugno Salzano, always attentive to the problems of prison life, confirming the dire health situation: "The prison Fuorni no longer has a real infirmary to house and care for sick inmates but necessary but you must get medical attention in jail - said Salzano - Only the seriously ill can be admitted to the hospital S. Leonardo, but where there is no longer a ward for prisoners. This results in increased costs, the detainees must be guarded by the prison service. " Of course this means that the housing of prisoners is increasingly remote and difficult.
About a month ago the alarm was also given about the problem of smuggling of goods into the prison, especially the food which, according to the complaint, they took exorbitant prices.
Alfredo Bannister, the prison director Fuorni, already long ago had denied everything on the problem of trafficking. It remains, however, the alarming health issue and given the gratuitous violence against anyone who is serving his sentence. It appears, therefore, necessary, effective supervision by those responsible, so as to ensure the protection of rights detainees, because being held does not mean losing the right to be treated like human beings.
Adele hopes
source: www.radicali.it