RNP, from administrative to the referendum, the commitment in the center more ...
Visit Salerno Hon. Marco Beltrandi (RNP)
SDI opens the first citizen, the radical leader Andria
This reveals differences of views in the Rosa nel Pugno, between the socialist and the radical component. All happy with the result obtained, as a party to the last administration but about the future are different strategies: more open to dialogue with the Socialists De Luca, Andria leaders of the committees for the "no" to referendum instead The radical proposal. There is no confrontation, no split in the Rose. Indeed radicals and socialists have that 5.2% of preferences obtained in local elections. "In other conditions - says the former secretary of the town Sdi Angela Pace - we would have obtained even better results. Some of our comrade is in the list of De Luca weakened (he says, referring to Mimmo Galdi, youth service in Salerno, ed.) We have been loyal supporters of Andria to the end but we have worked for the unity of the center, claiming that the nomination belonged to the DS. Others have not given consent to De Luca, have done a great battle. But now the policy is to look ahead, projects: how Sdi we remain committed to maintaining a united center. " An opening speech that seems the mayor with some regret "because - as some say - with the coalition united around De Luca would take several advisers with 5.2%. The seat of the SDI via Catherine of Alexandria are the leaders of the party called for a meeting with Mark Beltrandi, radical college elected in Campania Emilia Two come to "strengthen ties with the territory." Rosa in all await the decisions of the party at national level but Beltrandi ensures that there is a desire to move forward with this experience because the administrative findings were positive almost everywhere. "We are waiting for directions nationwide - says Peace - because in this campaign there have been discrepancies with the decisions taken so disjointed between the two parties. " And there seem to be differences between radicals and socialists on the future in Salerno. Indeed, while Angela Pace revive the commitment to unity of the center, and through dialogue with De Luca, yesterday afternoon, the radicals, in a meeting for the "no" to referendum promoted by the same Beltrandi Alfonso Andria asked to take the field and take the leadership of the committees of "no." "We must return to politics and bring people to vote - says Stefano Amendola - and to the City at no pateracchi. fs
source: www.ilmattino.caltanet.it (Salerno edition of 06/16/2006)
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