What are you doing? oh my trivial question maybe, I do mountain biking, hang out with my very special road, do a bit of freeride, I think a little ride ... etc etc. ..
But an answer like this: "Nothing I let life rain on dime" what do you think is fantastic?
letting it rain on me today is that there have as well as mountain biking, bike racing, track bikes and many more dined this iron horse, the mere sight of a frame to be relegated track the only area of \u200b\u200ba velodrome, was a little limited but then that is your environment, well the view of a CINELLI MASH SL, fixed on the blog and the use of these "objects" on the road I have filled my heart of joy, let's use it all over road, track, in the squares in the courts that is its beauty, a thing not to bind to a single area of \u200b\u200buse. Rails
The beauty of a track, its the manubriio always never stop pedaling your legs ...
short, a feeling to try sooner or later ...
but it will all be true??
The start ...
oh God is already at a standstill change of course ........ .......
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