Wednesday, March 16, 2011
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Sunday, March 13, 2011
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attack on the newspaper mouthpiece attacking us but everyone is silent
The special outraged that always go to the streets against the gags have not uttered a word since the termination of 36 of our journalists and a reader
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Both gold how heavy : "The interview
Giuliano Ferrara of Goffredo De Marchis, on Republic yesterday, should be studied in schools of journalism because he has the rare honor to synthesize those Ferrara, what is and what became Rai journalism Italian. "Italy - Ferrara made his debut - is not occupied by B. , but a mindset, a culture and a way of being of the elite that gives me hives. " The ball of the ball pallista comes in the aftermath of the latest data on the presence of politicians in Tg Rai in January: B. totaled 6 hours and 40 minutes, twice all the other leaders put together. Must That is why, on Monday, we Ferrara every single day after Tg1 : to balance a bit '. De Marchis the credibility question that may have a conductor who is also adviser to the prime minister. Ferrara is the offended: "I am the director of B. I do a journal, write comments ... if I worked for B. my name should be on the list of transfers of accountant Spinelli. " And here the young man is overstated: the subsidies were for whores Spinelli, among all the other cute, not for thugs like him. And then he, by B. and family already receives three salaries: from the director of Sheet from book Panorama from columnist Journal of (every now and then rounds now with the CIA, now with Tanzi, now with the subsistence of absentee MEP, now with the minister and spokesman). In short, it is an independent type.
De Marchis reminds him of the meeting of journalists at the company Palazzo Grazioli. He trumpets horrified: "What are we talking about? Can I go to lunch with whom I please? Montanelli did not go to lunch with Spadolini, with the secretaries of the parties? It is absolutely normal for a journalist to go to the premier. " Of course it's normal, but only if the premier does not pay the journalist. Otherwise, in a serious country, the journalist should never deal with the premier. Montanelli Spadolini met (his former colleague and director of the Courier), but without a salary Spadolini Montanelli. Indeed Montanelli Spadolini often criticized, while Ferrara, when he really a fit of recklessness, writes B. the wrong tie. Now announced: "The Knight will give me many opportunities to speak ill of him" (yes, socks or go wrong when the dye toupee). But here
comment bunga bunga with minors: "We knew what he was doing Gronchi in his private life? And what Merzagora combined? ". Apart from the searing and topical Gronchi Merzagora, as we suspect that, if the two had telephoned the police station to release a thief undocumented Moroccan minors who spent his nights with them, it would be wise and would have to resign. Ferrara But the real scandal is what we know of Berlusconi. " Observation more than understandable for one who has done in his life thug communist, the CIA spy, the trumpet and B. Craxi, but never for a moment the journalist. Only one country can ill exchange for a journalist who hate the news so you do not want to come to know. De Marchis the application process Ruby, and he said: "It's a witch trial, set up by stalkers, journalists and judges." A process set up judges and stalkers, but we are mad? Where we go from here, my lady. In '93 Ferrara burned in the TV report of the Internal Revenue for the subscription Rai. then explained that he had done to demand the resignation of the then director general Locatelli, accused of having favored the affairs of his wife. Locatelli had not condemned, but Ferrara was the guarantor for the same offender. Fortunately that subscribers did not gave a straight, otherwise Rai today would not know how to pay him a million and a half for the new program. Sad fate, that of Ferrara. He founded the paper and do not buy anyone. Mugello is a candidate to and did not vote for anyone. ago eight and a half and did not see anyone. But he insists. So they pay by weight.
Done From The Daily 11 March 2011
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ambiguity on nuclear risk Chicco Testa
Show Chicco Testa, now president of the former anti-nuclear Nuclear Forum, which, during the last episode of Otto e Mezzo on La7, has performed in various entr'actes surreal. Fukushima to the assertion that nothing has happened (the center instead was severely damaged by the terrible earthquake risks) to theories about the risks obscene null post-earthquake in Japan. Head not save trips to USA and the Clinton and seasons her arguments with a constant dirge: coal and its side effects. All with a parade of giggles at Gianni Silvestrini, scientific director of the Kyoto Club and QualEnergia and second guest in the studio. No less distressing the showing of the blackberry with which purports to be in contact with the network. A
Chicco Testa answered indirectly Onufrio Joseph, director of Greenpeace Italy, declaring: "Chicco Testa is making a propaganda campaign must instead wait to see what has happened. We normally do in these cases we can just send the teams. What we want is an independent, because the information official in this area very often the reality is silent and very often we have seen, even in the past, that the data have come out only after a long time. " "So Chicco Testa make his propaganda, but it is just propaganda - Onufrio ends - in fact we saw that the spot of the Nuclear Forum was rejected by the jury because of the type of communication is ambiguous and subtle that the Forum and Chicco Testa do."
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Letter, unpublished, d'Annunzio, Mussolini "
The correspondence between Gabriele d'Annunzio and Benito Mussolini was published in 1971 by Mondadori, with the title D'Annunzio, Mussolini and the Italian political 1919-1938. Despite the authority of the curators, Renzo De Felice and Emilio Mariano, work is now unavailable and in need of updates historiography: for the new material - documentary photography - acquired over the years.
The final document is in Italian Vittoriale arrived yesterday, unexpectedly, during the ceremony for the 73rd anniversary of the death of the poet. A day of celebration with the planting of twenty cypress trees, to replace the same number killed by the death of d'Annunzio in today and that will improve Vittoriale in the position of the top ten most beautiful parks in Italy. Then the donation by the maestro Ettore Greek bronze depicting a powerful, life-size, a St. Sebastian, because this year marks the centenary of Martyre de Saint Sébastien written by d'Annunzio, music by Debussy and starring Ida Rubinstein. Then the raising of flags of Pescara, birthplace, and Gardone Riviera - in tribute to the Twinning D'Annunzio, which already include 39 places - in the presence of mayors and Andrea Luigi Mascia Albore Cipani. Finally - but it overlooks many other events - the traditional donation of new documents: the family Cosimi filed those of Captain (later General) Mario Sani, one of the main collaborators of the Captain D'Annunzio, the collector and scholar Giovanni Maria Staffieri Lugano, generous supporter of Vittoriale, provided a correspondence between the poet and the painter Romaine Brooks. But Staffieri also had a surprise for me, for friendship. "Do you know this?" She asked, slyly, at the last minute. It put me in the unmistakable hand of the paper with handwriting on paper with the motto "Not to sleep."
It 's a letter written to Mussolini September 7, 1919, five days before taking the River. Until now it was believed that the announcement had been given to the leader of the nascent fascism on September 11, ("I'm leaving now. Tomorrow River take it by force.") The new document is of exceptional beauty in the sounds of the language, shows that the ties between the two were closer and more frequent than previously thought, and d'Annunzio was really hoping that in the help of Mussolini and his team in the making, as well as its support on journalism: "I trust in your support and support among those who, cowardly, fear this hand Army. History Serber laurels for those who have worked for the glorious end. Long live Italy! "
Actually Mussolini believed that it would be able, and merely pay lip service, so much so that on September 20 the prophet wrote him a letter full of insults that the leader had the effrontery to publish, censored, and reassembled, passing a letter of praise. Then he was content to promote a subscription for River that yielded almost three million dollars. In October ad'Annunzio delivered in person, the first 857,842 pounds, and he never knew how much he has paid the rest, believed to have taken most of the money to finance fascism, he obtained a public statement in which the commander acknowledged that allowing him to retain an unspecified amount for its "fighters": which, in Rijeka, were a minority.
For too many years, until the most recent, the company is considered only as a stream on an episode of nationalism, or even the birthplace of fascism. River was in fact an extraordinary first, advanced, libertarian experiment, since the Constitution written by the poet and revolutionary syndicalist Alceste De Ambris. Even for this Mussolini - who was preparing an alliance with the strong powers, monarchy, Church, army, owners - did not believe, and left without intervening in 1920 Giolitti ordered the "Christmas rivers of blood", by attacking the city army.
In the early days of 1921 began the slow evacuation of soldiers D'Annunzio. The Captain stayed until January 18, in a state of despair but also of pride. What he had created would remain in history. "The Naked Mile," said D'Annunzio in one of his many speeches, adding that "He who stops is lost" and told to "march not rot" slogan that will soon reappear on the walls of homes during two decades of which The poet was an unwitting forerunner, teaching that it was possible to rebel against the State with arms and consider the chief a demiurge able to change everyone's life, as well as the homeland. Mussolini learned from the lesson of Rijeka, which could undermine the liberal ruling class by using the rhetoric of patriotism, and Vittorio Emanuele III had to realize that they can count on the total loyalty of the army, finding that he had an important place in day of the march on Rome. As written by Emilio Gentile, the ideology of Mussolini realistic "was completely foreign to the moral fervor, the libertarian spirit and independence (...) and the confused but sincere intentions of the revolutionary environment bubbling river." Fiumanesimo by the fascists took only the external apparatus, adding the sap of castor oil. It never would have heard, during the regime, the final farewell to D'Annunzio threw from the balcony of city hall: "Long Live Love! Alala! "
Paradoxically will just attach River Mussolini Italy, in 1924, the Treaty of Rapallo. But the result would not have been possible without the firm of D'Annunzio. Which, rightly, in the letter published here for the first time, he concludes: "Finally, the new company will seal the end of the beautiful saga of the Thousand, adding heroes to heroes."
Saturday, March 12, 2011
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Double moral Carlo Chianura - Blog -
What Is Your Dream When You Grow Up?
Saviano is always on TV and radio: the inmate world's most visible :" The writer laments the
"lack of freedom" but it's always on TV where the usual attacks Berlusconi. The only armor? The officers of his escort "
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The assault on the media mouthpiece, B. last public enemy:" If
for two days in a row is Free that Il Giornale you spend the first page (and a whole in the newspaper) to say something. If you end up for months in the headline as a fixed target, there must be a reason. What's on Epiphany media reversed and nell'assurgere of Italo Bocchino a public enemy of the Italian center, in a journalistic corollary of controversy, complaints of stalking (concerned) and Appendix side of a dispute honor the knife with (former) friend of a time Roberto D'Agostino. The stereotype that mouthpiece is crucified by the press of inspiration Berlusconi (the contest with the king of the gossip site has different implications and more complex) is that of "Judas", the "renegade", the "infamous traitor" (if not enhanced with the corrupt public procurement). A politician who, in this iconography dilated, it becomes even creator of original sin, although Il Giornale even accuses him for being the man who has "blown" on Dagospia (nientemeno!) the news of the news that Casoria in which the party in Silvio Berlusconi went to visit Letizia.
For the Journal that is blown as the expulsion from Eden, scarring inemendabile to Berlusconi, which in itself justifies the next ordeal. At the same time it must be said that the complaint of stalking journalistic mouthpiece has no legal precedents, and that if the campaign against him had not the contours of almost grotesque ferocity, could even suggest questions about the legality of a judicial response to a press campaign. Yesterday Vittorio Macioce wrote: "Not to mention his name in vain" , with accompanying photos of the reporters of 36 martyrs victim of the complaint. But The Journal has also published a detailed note of which he is entitled to reimbursement from the parent company, accused him of wanting to make shoes to Fini, portrayed him as a violent and arrogant ras, delving into internal strife to the party with the method. Maurizio Belpietro shot in the primapagina under the most surreal, probably more shocking for its management ( "Mouthpiece bitter" ), and both newspapers (from Journal when he was directed by Victor Felts) has been transferred and extended the battle "anti-Italian" (in the sense of Italy) the whole family.
Not to be outdone Who published in summer a picture of Mouthpiece in t-shirt that speaks on the Piazzetta with Paolo Mieli, even were the evidence of a Jewish Masonic conspiracy ( "That's advisers Secrets Fini! "), which had to predict that or honey or mouthpiece were kindly heels (or "WARNING") to be willing paparazzi, gossip about the alleged relationship with Mara Carfagna contudente becomes a club (from which even the minister is urged to emancipate interview with "reparation"). And as in the communication system Berlusconi all vessels are connected, even on Channel 5, apparently in the container leisure kalispera , vice president of Fli was ridiculed - no less! - To film an appearance of youth, when (early twenties) agreed to play a role as a waiter he seasoned The ugly: a cameo in one of the films produced by his wife, and made a witness the carefree feeling some shame that one small part signoriniana - twenty years later - could produce.
But as the mouthpiece does not really physique du rôle the poor victim, you must also add that the machine man Fini familiar with this mechanism and in part also used, although now take advantage of its new aura media to make the jump to the major league days and is preparing to try to climb the league with his political autobiography ( A history of right ) Longanesi that the library has decided to send in with a run-monstre ( 20 000 copies, that which once was a great part Italian best-seller). She wants to become the first in the standings and could even do it with his right History, prefabricated by his (now separated dall'antifinismo) Pietrangelo Buttafuoco.
But that said, the question remains. Why him and why so hard? The first answer is simple: because he is obviously on the balls to Silvio Berlusconi. This does not deny the freedom of initiative of the directors concerned, but it sure explains that there is a mood , a common feeling Sucu rests the assault. The second response is perhaps more complex. It is as if the powerful communication device of the Knight had a continuing need fresh meat. It serves as a bread public enemy-fans to hold up to the voters, and Bocchino has the critical mass and stage presence to the role. He was a friend of Belpietro, say, but this has not spared the arrows. After all, the generation mechanism of the enemy, Berlusconi's imagination, following the styles very common and very "Soviet". The physiological need to balance the external enemy in their legions, produces "the kulak," the traitor, the servant of the plot, just as Stalin was in need of these imaginary figures up to the invention.
The ultimate answer, however, is type of so-called "technical". Mouthpiece comes from within the system and therefore knows its Achilles heel and weaknesses. While the men of the center as annealed to give the Knight spoilers, Bocchino is always on the attack . His line remained memorable on a poor vittimelle dell'Olgettina Ballarò ( "But among these benefited from the generosity of Mr Berlusconi is not there even one who has sixty years' ). No less insightful was the duel In Onda (finite everywhere on YouTube) in which a guest of my program, Mouthpiece for exactly one hour continued to target Sallusti with a question (unanswered): "Why not say what they pay you to do the killer?" . The anti-polemistica Italy (in Italian DIRECTION), therefore, is destined to match the anti-Finian. Why in the duel without truce, the highlander B. do not know the rest. How does it sound good in the mouth of Sallust, the belligerent expedition Christopher Lambert "In the end it will be only one" .
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Facci and Labor, the debate about reform of the justice "
Click here to view the embedded video.
The Council of Ministers passes the Constitutional Reform of Justice, described as "momentous" by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. here is the news La7 Enrico Mentana, compared to the opinions of our Filippo Facci and Marco Travaglio. "
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Firefox 4, the last major release "
Mozilla has decided to copy the schedule of the project with Google Chrome and increase the number of releases. This means that the feature will be available to all users when they are ready instead of forcing everyone to wait for the arrival of a super upgrade.
approach much closer to the philosophy of " Release Early, Release Often . When it comes out, then, the final version of Firefox 4 will be the last developed under the old system, and probably by the end of the year we will have Firefox 7.
Jay Sullivan, a vice-president of Mozilla, said that it wants to provide users with more powerful tools in less time. He is also the example that if support for the tag video was ready in June had to be immediately given the option for users to use it without waiting.
This change in philosophy is the reason for which has already been published 12 Firefox beta 4 . Every new beta introduces less and has a shorter duration by increasing the total number. During this 2011 we will understand what the impact of this change, but for now, at least on paper it seems that the competition is actually benefiting Chrom * end users.
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to think evil does not take that much : "The Fact
Article 9 of the Code of Procedure Anyone who commits a crime abroad for which the minimum penalty is less than three years, shall be punished at the request of the Minister of Justice . The money was offered to "Fatima" in Morocco, then abroad, and up to here we are. You have not accepted them, and then the offense is committed under Article. 322 of the Penal Code, incitement to corruption, punishable by 1 year and 4 months to 3 years and 3 months. That being so, the story ends here: there you see it Alfano requiring the Milan public prosecutor to proceed against B? Ah, yes, because the gem is that the power belongs, for this crime, the prosecutor of Milan : he says the art. 10 of the Code of Procedure, if the offense was committed entirely abroad, jurisdiction is determined subsequently by place of residence, residence, domicile, arrest or surrender of the accused. E B. lives in Milan. But even if the process started (you've ever seen, new elections, B & C are whaling, the new majority is made up of serious people, Justice Minister Calls for), there would be problems from mica little. First of all:
who should register for the investigated?Everything Done
The found (so far) is that there were two Italians, nothing is known. Then, he enrolled in a case against unknown persons? It is true that would be the most technically correct, but: who the hell goes to Ben Salah FKI to corrupt "Fatima" on its own initiative, to be clear without a clear mandate to those who have interest? And until we can agree here: who has an interest in corrupting "Fatima" must be registered as a suspect.
But, who has an interest in corrupting "Fatima"? B, of course. And his C that depend on it, and if B. is convicted, can be found in out on the street, forced to work for a living? And those of C even if they are thrown out of Parliament, they end up in jail? All these people (a few hundred
) might well have thought of doing a favor to B, perhaps without even telling him. And maybe putting in his pocket a copy of the original spot, I've done, to monetize the fruits of their dedication. What to do? I was beginning to register a case against unknown persons and then send the information to Alfano : Dear Minister, would require the punishment of the guilty of this serious crime? It would leave a vacancy on the mantelpiece to hang framed the answer.
The Fact Daily, March 11, 2011
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What Santoro did not tell Tremonti:"
Last Thursday, in the pit of
Annozero , Giulio Tremonti
was savaged lions that roaring around. Moreover, "fair" not very dangerous:coronation as the accountant of Sondrio better equipped and better positioned to suction after Berlusconi. In short, the "making of the hat" over a candidate who - under the circumstances - remains in the lap of Jupiter. Or the first sign of exasperation with a scenario in which the so-called political opposition fails to bring out whatever alternative all'inaffondabile cairn Arcore. However, the intriguing hypothesis - probably - without foundation. Rather, what is with insufficient evidence of the transmission and the difficulty of Michele Santoro to move on different terrain exposure of social pain and journalistic investigation into judicial matters. Bravo in the complaint and master the daily news about the wickedness of the Italian decadence (in which the eye acts as an avenging angel television), the renowned conductor turns out to be a fish out of water if faced
analysis that go beyond the door of home littered with garbagemoral stories that are faced with a bit 'larger of Strapaese. In fact, the other Tremonti evening a professorial with attached flip purely decorative (which draw three rows of three) could make a great impression.
Let us be clear: the description of faults produced by tremontiana
financial globalization is widely shared. At most you could just move some marginal type backdate the start to the 1973 (Yom Kippur War and the coup in Chile: the beginning of virtualization of the economy with rising raw material and rehearsal order neocon) compared to the ineffable 1989 (fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the balances held at bay capitalism). But they are trifles. He was not sure this take the point on which the wily minister in chestnut, the Tsar of our economy in its death throes. Why does not his argument holds water on the premises, but on the consequences.
Tremonti says Gramsci, the court of history will eventually judge the perpetrators of "this" globalization, which is subject exclusively to the interests of irresponsible and suicidal tendencies of a plutocracy that has turned possessive selfishness in the only yardstick which lead the world. An increasingly Americanized, stupid consumerism bulimic and crushed by the growing inequalities. But over here who is the chief proponent of this model of society if not the head of government of which he is a minister Tremonti? And if the opinion of the minister is so radically dismissive towards policies that commodifying everything and everyone, that makes us him the People of Liberty / Impunity?
Again Tremonti adds that the planetary sgoverno stems from loss of control / regulation by nation states. Some may object that the control / regulation of financial flows triggered by globalization and human rights would be better in an institutional space where the enlarged European Union. So the Euroscepticism touted by his political party, with bass drums media in tow, have only the effect of weakening the resistance of the Old Continent to the destabilizing waves that threaten the social and political estate. Indeed, Tremonti has rightly denounced transmission in the phenomenon of xenophobia that is rampant in North Europe. Without drawing the natural consequence as there was those who tried to recall the duty of consistency.
But we are losing the capacity for governance of nation states, worried that both the superministro. Then you would have to ask him to give an account of his relationship with the League pursuing further deconstruct the design of the Italian State. Alloy which Tremonti is the maximum support, since it is finance national and local draining every resource in order to implement a federal scrap yard, which will allow Boyars bossiani to consolidate their electoral fiefdoms in the North, in a sort of pre-Alpine
neofeudalesimowho knows so much about "community bounded and reinforced," prisoners just that blindness that prevents the reconstruction of a world-system the least plausible.
In conclusion, the other night we had yet another confirmation that Berlusconi and Berlusconi are two different things: the head is nothing but animal spirits incarnate, but behind him there are
perfidious minds at work. And that should be something to beat more and more of the usual whispers and screams. "
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Expensive gasoline, petroleum and finance :" Increases in fuel
decided by some oil companies continue to be discussed. Today we are on the price of the green conuigliato between 1.57 and 1.58 euro per liter. In the South, three days ago, unleaded gasoline has reached peaks of 1.611 € per liter. Fluctuations inj cents these days must counter the swing of Gaddafi over the first awards to the insurgents as now that Sarkozy, the uncertainty of the international military actions, reports of increasing pressure on Saudi Arabia for a possible increase in OPEC production. WTI crude on the square between the U.S. and London Brent up $ 12 on the gap continues unam finio to 14 at times of maximum tension. But who is more guilty of expensive gasoline? Gaddafi? Speculation? State taxes? The oil? To understand how is the price at the pump - a classic that you must always repeat, forgive me that the insiders know it - and its consequences on the economy, we start from this point. For Italy, which has a dependency on its total energy consumption by 85% mainly made of oil and gas, the impact is greater and more rapid in its effects than for the average of other advanced countries. In most reports on the consequences the rise in oil prices on growth, the threshold for "recession" for the advanced countries, if there were to stabilize prices for a quarter or two at least, is estimated at 135-140 dollars. For our country, accumulated from 17-18 U.S. dollars a barrel in a few weeks, if they were to be stabilized in the case of Libya's continuing crisis, already led to a worsening balance of payments on an annual basis 0.4% of GDP, and less increase of up to one third of a point. When you add up the two figures, one arrives at 0.7% of GDP mentioned by Confindustria today. Because our growth is lower than the American and German - Berlin raised from 2 to 2.5% growth expected in 2011 after more than 3.6% of 2010 - it is obvious that we are more exposed to negative consequences. A little 'patience in the most need instead to see what he does regularly enrage consumers, convinced that the rapid price increases at the pump are in fact proof of the proverbial expression and greed of the companies. In fact, even if it is not to say, from experience, it is easily accused of being servants of the oil.
As with any price, you can bet and win with these mechanisms is very short on the different markets - U.S. and UK - which make up the prices of crude oil. Is, concurrently, on different forms in which sottopiattaforme PLATTS - among others - even the industrial price of refined products. After the hottest tips of the financial crisis that followed the record of the barrel in 2008, the amount of "bets" non-commercial operating on two different levels was strongly decreased. We had passed peaks up to 400 billion dollars during the hot pre-peak at 147-148 dollars, a few tens of billion in the second and third quarter last year.
It 'obvious that the recovery in prices, advancing in 2010, most volatility has taken to attract a growing mass of liquidity. "Our" PLATTS is obvious that focus, given that Libya is in the Mediterranean. So we're back to average $ 300 billion or more, between "above" the barrel swap markets, and "below" to swap those for refined products. It 'clear that these are phenomena that are pushing up prices for industrial use. And are happy with the Fed. With its massive buying on the market to support public and private debt, the U.S. monetary authorities to create monetary base - no more sterilized by the banking system as it does in Europe - now becomes the money markets: the huge liquidity takes the path of posts more profitable in the short, speculative ones, and commodities markets together through treaties dollars contribute to "spread" U.S. inflation in the rest of the world. Thing that the U.S. can not but give pleasure decreases as the real value of their debts.
This long explanation to say that it has a point, who says that in addition to Libyan and North African affair there is "also" a financial responsibility - I do not like the term speculation - in the formation of the price of gasoline. Lift the edges to participate in these markets - which is to provide the highest placed to sit at the table, and proportionate to what you bet - is the classic promise that has been repeated for years but did not decide anything, because those who enact this alone would lose customers.
Mind you, to get to the final price must be added to the price PLATTS - which weighs more or less 35% - 10% of gross profit to the Italian oil companies that refine, transport, and distribution of insurance premium to the operators, as well as a 55% of the sum of excise duties and VAT. And even here there is some flaw. Because our 55% cost of gasoline taxes is huge, but it is less than 58%, average dell'euroarea 17 countries, as France and the 58.4% to 61.3% in Germany. Yet both the average of the euro countries, in France and Germany to pump gasoline costs less. Not only because the PLATTS for them is lower, because they are less dependent on foreign to us, but also because in Italy we still have a fuel distribution system is inefficient, expensive and too scattered on the ground, that politics can never touch it, fearful of the reactions of the class. And so, between Gaddafi and speculation, taxes, inefficient distribution, we are always at the end to pay us. But the oilmen in the series, marginal gain much more when prices are going down that when they come, as has often dimstrato numbers to hand our unparalleled carlo tinkers "
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The earthquake and nuclear
When we were still on the first news of the terrible earthquake that hit the northeastern coast of Japan, here is that the sites and the Italian agencies have begun to spread the word on the alert nuclear weapons. However, if the state acts first thing you can say, is that it is the terrible intensity of the phenomenon Japan, which hit us with a new confirmation that the safety of nuclear facilities, the progress made in recent decades have been impressive, such as to hold in reality without endangering the environment and the impact of its population terribly out of scale events, such as that which occurred exactly as prescribed by the rules and in accordance with which we build nuclear power plants today. Still, speculation is playing in Italy now.
The international media have, in other words, without much understanding of amplified re-launched the first news from Tokyo, on the state of nuclear emergency proclaimed by the Tokyo government had passed an hour before the event. It 's a standard security procedure for earthquakes above 5 on the Richter scale intensity, and here we are in the presence of 8.9 intensity, energy literally frightening as documented we have all seen the pictures.
We are talking about the seventh earthquakes that ever hit the world since we have instruments to detect them and series, yet the power they held. Have proven very useful lessons learned to the greater nuclear power plant operating at the world, the Kashiwazaki-Karima which has a higher power to 8000 MW, 16 July 2007 was hit by an earthquake of magnitude 6.6. The system held, but in that case were the violent swinging to determine the spillage of 1.2 cubic meters of water from a swimming pool for spent fuel of a reactor. The release of radioactivity to the event, and for the release of some radionuclides from the plant ventilation was immediately detected and monitored over time the Japanese authorities, and is documented in the IAEA web site as corresponding to 10 millionths of the dose permitted in Japan. As a result, the incident with no environmental damage and health was classified at level zero on the INES scale, which measures the severity of nuclear contingencies.
We can draw three preliminary conclusions. One of the reasons why nuclear power plants cost a lot, it's safety, but how you see money well spent. Second, the current safety standards in Europe are as strict as those in Japan. Third, Italy has extensive seismic zones, but the phenomena are not of the magnitude of the Japanese. Attending yesterday, on many Italian anti-nuclear sites, such as a map of Italy on the overlap areas of seismic risk and those at risk even groped for fires to demonstrate that nuclear power can not afford it, it's just a demonstration of gross ignorance of technology. "
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If Linux Java waiver:" In the Linux Standard Base version 4.1 of the Java language is no longer 'part of the specification. A puzzling problem of licensing prevents its use. Promoted, however, ALSA and NSS "
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Software delivers hardware :" It 'came first, the egg (the hardware) or the egg (the software)? Certainly the hen delivers by far the egg in the race performance, the researchers say "