Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ketoconazole How Long Does It Take To Work

ambiguity on nuclear risk Chicco Testa

ambiguity on nuclear risk Chicco Testa

Show Chicco Testa, now president of the former anti-nuclear Nuclear Forum, which, during the last episode of Otto e Mezzo on La7, has performed in various entr'actes surreal. Fukushima to the assertion that nothing has happened (the center instead was severely damaged by the terrible earthquake risks) to theories about the risks obscene null post-earthquake in Japan. Head not save trips to USA and the Clinton and seasons her arguments with a constant dirge: coal and its side effects. All with a parade of giggles at Gianni Silvestrini, scientific director of the Kyoto Club and QualEnergia and second guest in the studio. No less distressing the showing of the blackberry with which purports to be in contact with the network. A

Chicco Testa answered indirectly Onufrio Joseph, director of Greenpeace Italy, declaring: "Chicco Testa is making a propaganda campaign must instead wait to see what has happened. We normally do in these cases we can just send the teams. What we want is an independent, because the information official in this area very often the reality is silent and very often we have seen, even in the past, that the data have come out only after a long time. " "So Chicco Testa make his propaganda, but it is just propaganda - Onufrio ends - in fact we saw that the spot of the Nuclear Forum was rejected by the jury because of the type of communication is ambiguous and subtle that the Forum and Chicco Testa do."


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