Saturday, March 12, 2011

Magnox Reset To Factory Settings

The assault on the media mouthpiece, the last public enemy of B. Let us

The assault on the media mouthpiece, B. last public enemy:" If

for two days in a row is Free that Il Giornale you spend the first page (and a whole in the newspaper) to say something. If you end up for months in the headline as a fixed target, there must be a reason. What's on Epiphany media reversed and nell'assurgere of Italo Bocchino a public enemy of the Italian center, in a journalistic corollary of controversy, complaints of stalking (concerned) and Appendix side of a dispute honor the knife with (former) friend of a time Roberto D'Agostino. The stereotype that mouthpiece is crucified by the press of inspiration Berlusconi (the contest with the king of the gossip site has different implications and more complex) is that of "Judas", the "renegade", the "infamous traitor" (if not enhanced with the corrupt public procurement). A politician who, in this iconography dilated, it becomes even creator of original sin, although Il Giornale even accuses him for being the man who has "blown" on Dagospia (nientemeno!) the news of the news that Casoria in which the party in Silvio Berlusconi went to visit Letizia.

For the Journal that is blown as the expulsion from Eden, scarring inemendabile to Berlusconi, which in itself justifies the next ordeal. At the same time it must be said that the complaint of stalking journalistic mouthpiece has no legal precedents, and that if the campaign against him had not the contours of almost grotesque ferocity, could even suggest questions about the legality of a judicial response to a press campaign. Yesterday Vittorio Macioce wrote: "Not to mention his name in vain" , with accompanying photos of the reporters of 36 martyrs victim of the complaint. But The Journal has also published a detailed note of which he is entitled to reimbursement from the parent company, accused him of wanting to make shoes to Fini, portrayed him as a violent and arrogant ras, delving into internal strife to the party with the method. Maurizio Belpietro shot in the primapagina under the most surreal, probably more shocking for its management ( "Mouthpiece bitter" ), and both newspapers (from Journal when he was directed by Victor Felts) has been transferred and extended the battle "anti-Italian" (in the sense of Italy) the whole family.

Not to be outdone Who published in summer a picture of Mouthpiece in t-shirt that speaks on the Piazzetta with Paolo Mieli, even were the evidence of a Jewish Masonic conspiracy ( "That's advisers Secrets Fini! "), which had to predict that or honey or mouthpiece were kindly heels (or "WARNING") to be willing paparazzi, gossip about the alleged relationship with Mara Carfagna contudente becomes a club (from which even the minister is urged to emancipate interview with "reparation"). And as in the communication system Berlusconi all vessels are connected, even on Channel 5, apparently in the container leisure kalispera , vice president of Fli was ridiculed - no less! - To film an appearance of youth, when (early twenties) agreed to play a role as a waiter he seasoned The ugly: a cameo in one of the films produced by his wife, and made a witness the carefree feeling some shame that one small part signoriniana - twenty years later - could produce.

But as the mouthpiece does not really physique du rĂ´le the poor victim, you must also add that the machine man Fini familiar with this mechanism and in part also used, although now take advantage of its new aura media to make the jump to the major league days and is preparing to try to climb the league with his political autobiography ( A history of right ) Longanesi that the library has decided to send in with a run-monstre ( 20 000 copies, that which once was a great part Italian best-seller). She wants to become the first in the standings and could even do it with his right History, prefabricated by his (now separated dall'antifinismo) Pietrangelo Buttafuoco.

But that said, the question remains. Why him and why so hard? The first answer is simple: because he is obviously on the balls to Silvio Berlusconi. This does not deny the freedom of initiative of the directors concerned, but it sure explains that there is a mood , a common feeling Sucu rests the assault. The second response is perhaps more complex. It is as if the powerful communication device of the Knight had a continuing need fresh meat. It serves as a bread public enemy-fans to hold up to the voters, and Bocchino has the critical mass and stage presence to the role. He was a friend of Belpietro, say, but this has not spared the arrows. After all, the generation mechanism of the enemy, Berlusconi's imagination, following the styles very common and very "Soviet". The physiological need to balance the external enemy in their legions, produces "the kulak," the traitor, the servant of the plot, just as Stalin was in need of these imaginary figures up to the invention.

The ultimate answer, however, is type of so-called "technical". Mouthpiece comes from within the system and therefore knows its Achilles heel and weaknesses. While the men of the center as annealed to give the Knight spoilers, Bocchino is always on the attack . His line remained memorable on a poor vittimelle dell'Olgettina BallarĂ² ( "But among these benefited from the generosity of Mr Berlusconi is not there even one who has sixty years' ). No less insightful was the duel In Onda (finite everywhere on YouTube) in which a guest of my program, Mouthpiece for exactly one hour continued to target Sallusti with a question (unanswered): "Why not say what they pay you to do the killer?" . The anti-polemistica Italy (in Italian DIRECTION), therefore, is destined to match the anti-Finian. Why in the duel without truce, the highlander B. do not know the rest. How does it sound good in the mouth of Sallust, the belligerent expedition Christopher Lambert "In the end it will be only one" .



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